Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Symbols of Christmas


As we prepare for Christmas this month, a fun tradition we have in my family is recounting the meaning of the different symbols of Christmas. For an object lesson, you could collect the Christmas items and/or pictures and display them to your family using the following outline:

  • Tree: Christmas trees are evergreen trees. They do not die in the winter, but stay green all year through. This is a symbol of eternal life. Christ has made it possible for us to live in heaven after we die.
    Scripture: Moses 1:39
    Picture: Resurrected Christ.

  • Lights (small stars) and Star: We often use lights, candles, and stars in our Christmas decorations. These represent the new star that appeared when Christ was born.
    Scripture: Matthew 2: 9-10.
    Picture: Nativity Scene (star in background)

  • Candy Canes: This candy is made in the shape of a shepherd's staff. The shepherds came to see baby Jesus. Christ is known as the good shepherd.
    Scriptures: Luke 2:8-9; John 10:11.
    Pictures: The Shepherds, Christ and the Lost Lamb
  • Angels: Angels announced Christ's birth to the shepherds.
    Scripture: Luke 2: 10-11
    Picture: The Shepherds
  • Red, White, and Green Ornaments: Christmas colors are symbols of Jesus Christ. Red represents the blood of Christ. Green represents eternal life. White represents the purity of Christ (he was perfect).
    Scriptures: Luke 22:44; 3 Nephi 12:48.
    Picture: Christ in Gethsemane
  • Gifts (to put under the tree): Gifts represent the gifts the wise men brought to the Christ child and the gift of the Savior that Heavenly Father gave the world.
    Scriptures: Matthew 2:1, 11; John 3:16.
    Pictures: Wise Men, Jesus the Christ.

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